transfer to people share help
If you get the error message "reCAPTCHA failed"
reCAPTCHA is a security test where you have to select certain photos
to prove you are human. What you can do is the following:
Use a different internet browser
Try using another device (desktop, mobile device)
Try a different email address if possible
Clear your browser and try again
If all else fails:
Send an email to with the following information:
Amount transferred
Your name
Your address
Your mobile number
Desired name of shareholder
Requested registration for the Friends of the Society
Then transfer the desired amount (min. 500 kr.) to our account:
Via Mobilepay: 30944
Remember to add in the message box: FOLKEAKTIE
Via bank transfer:
Bank: Lollands Bank, Nakskov,
Reg. no. 6520 Account 4152424
Remember to add in the message field: FOLKEAKTIE